Taiwan Fast-Tracks Bill to Counter China’s Growing Threat

**Taiwan Fast-Tracks Bill to Counter China’s Growing Threat**


[Tracy Wang](https://www.bloomberg.com/authors/At041nZ~4CM/tracy-wang)

**August 31, 2023**

**Key Points**

– Taiwan’s parliament has accelerated the passage of a bill that would strengthen the island’s defenses against a potential Chinese invasion.
– The bill, which was originally slated for a vote in October, has been moved up to September to address the growing threat from China.
– The bill includes provisions to increase military spending, develop new weapons systems, and strengthen ties with the United States and other allies..


Tensions between Taiwan and China have been escalating in recent months, as China has increased its military presence around the island and stepped up its rhetoric against Taiwan’s independence. In response, Taiwan has been ramping up its own defenses and seeking support from the United States and other allies.

The fast-tracking of the defense bill is the latest sign that Taiwan is taking the threat from China seriously. The bill includes a number of provisions that are designed to strengthen the island’s defenses, including:

– Increasing military spending by 2.5% per year for the next five years.
– Developing new weapons systems, such as long-range missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.
– Strengthening ties with the United States and other allies, including through joint military exercises and arms sales.

The bill is expected to be passed by Taiwan’s parliament in September. Once passed, it will be sent to President Tsai Ing-wen for her signature. The bill is likely to be met with a strong reaction from China, which has warned Taiwan against any moves that could be seen as a step towards independence.


The fast-tracking of the defense bill is a significant development in Taiwan’s relations with China. It shows that Taiwan is taking the threat from China seriously and is willing to take steps to strengthen its defenses. The bill is also likely to further strain relations between Taiwan and China, as China is likely to view it as a provocation.

The passage of the defense bill is also likely to have implications for the United States and other allies. The United States has a long-standing commitment to Taiwan’s security, and the passage of the defense bill could lead to increased US military support for Taiwan. It could also lead to increased cooperation between Taiwan and other US allies in the region, such as Japan and Australia.

The fast-tracking of the defense bill is a sign that the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming increasingly tense. The bill is likely to further strain relations between Taiwan and China, and it could also lead to increased US military support for Taiwan. The situation is likely to remain tense in the coming months, and it is important to watch closely for any signs of escalation..

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