How to Start a Book Club That You’ll Actually Stick To

Starting a book club can be a great way to connect with friends, discover new books, and expand your literary horizons. But if you’re not careful, it can also be a lot of work. The key to starting a book club that you’ll actually stick to is to keep it simple. Here’s how to do it:.

**1. Choose the right people.** The most important factor in starting a successful book club is choosing the right people. You want to find people who are interested in reading and who are willing to commit to meeting regularly. It’s also important to find people who you enjoy spending time with. If you don’t like the people in your book club, you’re not going to want to go to meetings..

**2. Pick a meeting time and place.** Once you have a group of people, you need to decide on a meeting time and place. The best time to meet is usually in the evening or on weekends, when people are more likely to be free. The place should be comfortable and convenient for everyone..

**3. Choose your books.** The next step is to choose your books. You can do this by taking turns picking books, or you can vote on a list of books. It’s important to choose books that everyone is interested in reading. You should also try to choose books that are different from what you normally read. This will help you to expand your literary horizons..

**4. Set some ground rules.** Before you start meeting, it’s important to set some ground rules. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Some things to consider include:.

– How often will you meet?.

– How long will each meeting be?.

– What will you do if someone doesn’t finish the book?.

– Can you bring food or drinks to meetings?.

**5. Have fun!** The most important thing is to have fun. Book clubs are a great way to connect with friends and discover new books. So relax, enjoy the conversation, and don’t worry about being perfect..

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