Get Your Medi Record Up to Date — It Could Save Your Life

Medical identity theft is on the rise. Here’s how to keep your health information safe.

You probably have a lot of personal information stored online: your Social Security number, credit card numbers, even your passport information.

But there’s one type of personal information that you may not have thought about protecting: your medical records.

Medical identity theft is a growing problem, and it can have serious consequences. In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received more than 33,000 reports of medical identity theft, a 45% increase from the previous year.

Medical identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information to obtain medical care, goods, or services without your knowledge or consent. This can lead to a number of problems, including:

* **Financial loss:** You may be billed for medical services that you didn’t receive, or your insurance may be used to pay for someone else’s care.
* **Denial of coverage:** If your medical records are compromised, your insurance company may deny coverage for necessary medical care.
* **Medical errors:** If someone has access to your medical records, they could make changes that could lead to medical errors or even harm.

Protecting your medical records is essential to protecting your health and your identity. Here are a few tips:

* **Keep your Social Security number and other personal information confidential.** Don’t share your Social Security number, Medicare number, or other personal information with anyone unless you are absolutely sure that they need it.
* **Review your medical records regularly.** Request a copy of your medical records from your doctor or insurance company and review them carefully for any errors or unauthorized changes.
* **Be aware of the signs of medical identity theft.** If you receive bills for medical services that you didn’t receive, or if your insurance company denies coverage for necessary medical care, you may be a victim of medical identity theft.
* **Report medical identity theft immediately.** If you believe that you have been a victim of medical identity theft, report it to your doctor, insurance company, and the FTC.

By following these tips, you can help protect your medical records and your identity.

**Additional resources:**

* [Federal Trade Commission: Medical Identity Theft](
* [National Consumers League: Medical Identity Theft](
* [Identity Theft Resource Center: Medical Identity Theft](

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