Biden’s Infrastructure Bill: What It Means for Transportation

**President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: A Major Investment in Transportation**.

On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), a landmark piece of legislation that will invest $1.2 trillion in the nation’s infrastructure over the next five years. The IIJA includes a significant investment in transportation, with $550 billion allocated to improve roads, bridges, public transit, rail, ports, and airports..

This investment is a major win for the transportation sector, which has been facing significant challenges in recent years. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has given the nation’s infrastructure a grade of D+, citing a backlog of needed repairs and upgrades. The IIJA will provide much-needed funding to address these challenges and improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system..

**Key Provisions of the IIJA for Transportation**.

The IIJA includes a wide range of provisions that will impact the transportation sector. Some of the key provisions include:.

* **$110 billion for roads and bridges:** This funding will be used to repair and rebuild roads and bridges across the country, with a focus on addressing the backlog of maintenance and repairs..

* **$66 billion for public transit:** This funding will be used to improve public transit systems, including buses, trains, and subways. The funding will be used to purchase new vehicles, upgrade infrastructure, and expand service..

* **$65 billion for rail:** This funding will be used to improve the nation’s rail system, including Amtrak and freight railroads. The funding will be used to upgrade tracks, signals, and stations..

* **$17 billion for ports and waterways:** This funding will be used to improve the nation’s ports and waterways, including dredging channels, building new locks, and improving port facilities..

* **$25 billion for airports:** This funding will be used to improve the nation’s airports, including upgrading terminals, runways, and air traffic control systems..

**How the IIJA Will Impact Transportation**.

The IIJA is expected to have a major impact on the transportation sector. The investment in roads, bridges, and public transit will improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. The investment in rail, ports, and airports will improve the movement of goods and people..

The IIJA is also expected to create jobs. The ASCE estimates that the IIJA will create 1.5 million jobs over the next decade. These jobs will be in a variety of fields, including construction, engineering, and transportation..


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a major investment in the nation’s transportation system. The IIJA will improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system, create jobs, and boost the economy. The IIJA is a significant step forward in addressing the challenges facing the transportation sector and ensuring that the United States has a 21st-century transportation system..

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