Dogs Could Be Trained to Detect COVID-19 in Seconds With 97% Accuracy

Dogs could be trained to detect COVID-19 with 97% accuracy in just a few seconds, according to a new study..

The study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, found that dogs trained to sniff out the virus could identify it in saliva samples with a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 91%. This means that the dogs were able to correctly identify 97% of the samples that contained the virus, and they were able to correctly identify 91% of the samples that did not contain the virus..

The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. The researchers trained eight dogs to sniff out COVID-19 by exposing them to samples of the virus. The dogs were then tested on a set of saliva samples, some of which contained the virus and some of which did not..

The dogs were able to identify the virus-positive samples with a high degree of accuracy. The researchers believe that this is because dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell that allows them to detect even small amounts of the virus..

The researchers say that their findings suggest that dogs could be used to screen people for COVID-19 quickly and easily. This could be especially useful in settings where rapid testing is needed, such as airports or hospitals..

The researchers are now working on developing a field-deployable version of their test. They hope to have a product ready for use within the next year..

If successful, this test could be a valuable tool for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. It could help to identify infected people quickly and easily, which could help to prevent the spread of the virus..

Here are some additional details about the study:.

* The study was conducted on eight dogs, including four beagles, two Labrador retrievers, one golden retriever, and one German shepherd..

* The dogs were trained to sniff out COVID-19 by exposing them to samples of the virus. The dogs were then tested on a set of saliva samples, some of which contained the virus and some of which did not..

* The dogs were able to identify the virus-positive samples with a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 91%..

* The researchers believe that this is because dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell that allows them to detect even small amounts of the virus..

* The researchers say that their findings suggest that dogs could be used to screen people for COVID-19 quickly and easily. This could be especially useful in settings where rapid testing is needed, such as airports or hospitals..

* The researchers are now working on developing a field-deployable version of their test. They hope to have a product ready for use within the next year..

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