China to launch viral hepatitis vaccine by Q3 2023

China is expected to launch a domestically developed viral hepatitis vaccine in the third quarter of 2023, according to an official with the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) on Wednesday.

The vaccine, known as CHO-based recombinant hepatitis A and E vaccine, has already completed phase II clinical trials and is currently undergoing phase III clinical trials, said Chang Jile, head of the National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention under China CDC, at a press conference.

Chang said the vaccine has shown good safety and immunogenicity in the clinical trials so far.

China has been stepping up efforts to develop vaccines against viral hepatitis, a major public health concern in the country. According to the China CDC, there are about 90 million people in China chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV), and about 10 million people chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV).

Viral hepatitis is a group of infectious diseases that affect the liver. It can be caused by several different viruses, including HBV, HCV, hepatitis A virus (HAV), and hepatitis E virus (HEV).

HBV and HCV are the most common causes of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer worldwide. HAV and HEV usually cause acute hepatitis, which is typically self-limited and resolves within a few weeks.

There are effective vaccines available to prevent HAV and HBV. However, there is no vaccine available to prevent HCV infection. A vaccine for HEV is available in some countries, but it is not yet widely available.

The development of a domestically developed viral hepatitis vaccine is a significant step forward in China’s efforts to control viral hepatitis. The vaccine is expected to be an important tool for preventing viral hepatitis infection and reducing the burden of the disease in China.

In addition to the CHO-based recombinant hepatitis A and E vaccine, China is also developing other vaccines against viral hepatitis, including a vaccine against HCV. The HCV vaccine is currently in phase II clinical trials.

China’s efforts to develop vaccines against viral hepatitis are part of its broader strategy to improve public health and reduce the burden of infectious diseases in the country..

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