Urgent Actions to Avert Mass Starvation in Yemen

**Urgent Actions to Avert Mass Starvation in Yemen**

**The deteriorating situation in Yemen requires immediate intervention to prevent a large-scale catastrophe.**

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has pushed the country to the brink of widespread famine. The United Nations has warned that Yemen is facing the world’s worst famine in decades. The war has caused extensive damage to the country’s infrastructure, crippled the economy, and displaced millions of people.

**As a result, millions of Yemenis are now facing severe food shortages.** The UN estimates that over 16 million people are currently food insecure, with 5 million on the brink of starvation. Children are particularly vulnerable, with over 2 million suffering from malnutrition.

**The conflict has also made it difficult for humanitarian organizations to provide aid.** Aid workers are often targeted by violence, and access to affected areas is severely restricted. This has made it difficult to deliver food, medical supplies, and other essential aid to those who need it most.

**The international community must act urgently to prevent a mass starvation in Yemen.** This includes:

* **Providing immediate food assistance.** The UN has appealed for $5.4 billion in aid to provide food and other essential assistance to Yemen..

* **Addressing the root causes of the conflict.** The international community must work together to find a political solution to the conflict that will bring peace and stability to Yemen..

* **Protecting humanitarian workers.** The international community must ensure that humanitarian workers are able to safely and effectively provide aid to those in need.

**The future of Yemen depends on the actions taken today.** The international community must act now to prevent a mass starvation and build a better future for the Yemeni people.

**For more information, please visit the following websites:**

* [UNHCR Yemen](https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/yemen.html).

* [OCHA Yemen](https://www.unocha.org/yemen).

* [World Food Programme Yemen](https://www.wfp.org/countries/yemen).

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