Climate Change Is a Bigger Threat Than COVID-19, Say 80% of Global Citizens

**Climate Change Is a Bigger Threat Than COVID-19, Say 80% of Global Citizens**.

In a recent global survey, conducted by Ipsos and commissioned by the World Economic Forum, 80% of respondents said that they believe climate change is a greater threat to humanity than COVID-19..

The survey was conducted in 28 countries and involved over 21,000 adults. Respondents were asked to rate the level of threat posed by climate change and COVID-19 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most threatening..

Climate change received an average rating of 6.4, while COVID-19 received an average rating of 5.8..

The survey also found that there is a growing consensus among global citizens that climate change is a serious and urgent threat..

– 71% of respondents said they believe that climate change is already having a negative impact on their lives..

– 65% of respondents said they are worried about the future impacts of climate change on their families and communities..

– 63% of respondents said they believe that climate change is a more serious threat than terrorism..

These findings are consistent with other recent surveys that have found that public concern about climate change is growing..

A study by the Pew Research Center, conducted in 2021, found that 70% of Americans believe that climate change is a major threat to the country..

A study by the World Economic Forum, conducted in 2022, found that 84% of business leaders believe that climate change is a major risk to their organizations..

The growing public concern about climate change is likely due to the increasing frequency and severity of extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts..

These events are a direct result of climate change, and they are having a devastating impact on communities around the world..

The COVID-19 pandemic has also raised awareness of the importance of global cooperation and the need to take urgent action to address global threats..

The pandemic has shown that no country is immune to the effects of a global crisis, and that we must work together to overcome them..

The climate crisis is the greatest threat facing humanity today. It is a global crisis that requires global cooperation and action..

We must act now to reduce emissions, transition to a clean energy economy, and build resilience to the impacts of climate change..

The future of our planet and the well-being of future generations depend on it..

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