Why Seeing 11:11 on the Clock Is a Powerful Sign, According to Numerology

You don’t have to know the angel number 1111’s meaning to feel its significance. Think about it: Any time you’ve ever looked at a clock and seen that it was exactly 11:11, you took notice. But is it a coincidence? Numerology says no.

According to the ancient study, which believes in the divine or mystical significance of numbers, there is an important message from the universe every time you see this pattern of ones. So what is 1111’s meaning? Let’s get into it.

First, what is numerology?

Before we get into the 11:11 phenomenon, let’s first discuss what numerology is all about. Numerology is defined as the study of the occult significance of numbers. In addition to being used in different astrology, mysticism, and fortune-telling practices, the concept of giving certain numbers important meaning has long been used in several religions from the ancient Greeks and early Christians to modern witchcraft. Particularly in Christianity, the number one, and especially the number 11, plays a major role, as it stands for perfection, unity, and wholeness.

What does it mean to look at the clock at 11:11?

The following phenomenon has probably happened to you before: You unsuspectingly check the time and realize: “Hey, it’s 11:11!” Maybe this has even happened several days in a row. For many people, though, there’s much more behind it than just a funny coincidence.

Spiritualists call this event the 11:11 phenomenon. Seeing the number evokes a feeling of significance because it’s a mirror of twin numbers, and numerology attaches great importance to the number 11 in particular: It represents a new beginning, the start of a new phase of life, or the imminence of a positive event. So when you look at the clock and the two twin numbers face you, according to numerology, the universe wants to give you the supportive signal you may have needed at that moment.

Should I make a wish when I see 11:11?

You may have heard that it’s good luck to make a wish when you see 11:11. Is that true? Spiritualists claim that at this particular time of day, the connection between a self and the universe is very close. So in theory this would give us the power to partially influence our destiny with positive thoughts and wishes. To that end, they believe negative thoughts and emotions should be blocked out at this time so that they don’t cloud communication or send an unwanted, false message to the universe.

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